I've been selling my goods at a new site. Made it Myself is still in Beta testing and I think it shows great potential, plus it's free right now. I always like free.
Willow got to cook dinner all by herself the other night. She has been awful about complaining about what I cook for dinner for months, if not years. No parenting tips please, I'm doing my best!
Anyway, I finally said "Fine, you get to cook tomorrow night." And she did, with a very small amount of help from me.

She made biscuits and sausage gravy. She only burned her fingers twice. I was able to convince her that baking soda in the gravy wouldn't taste very nice. Her biscuits were very heavy. But it tasted pretty good and she was very proud of herself and best of all, hasn't complained about dinner since. That makes me very happy.

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